Medical Root Words
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2. Born without a brain. 4. A tumor of fat tissue. 6. Herniation of brain tissue out of the skull. 9. A tumor of the membranes surrounding the brain. 11. A permanent opening connecting colon and abdomen. 13. Inflammation of the muscular layer of the uterus. 15. Surgical removal of kidney stones. 16. Blood in the urine. 17. Inflammation of the tongue. 18. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the abdominal cavity. 19. Surgical puncture of the abdomen by a needle to withdraw fluid.
1. Total arrest and cessation of breathing. 3. Enlargement of the liver. 5. A bone marrow tumor. 7. Inflammation of the kidney pelvis. 8. Faster than normal rate of breathing. 10. Stones in the gallbladder. 12. An inflammatory disease of the inner layer of the heart. 14. Inflammation of the testis.