Hospital Vocabulary
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4. a medical problem that needs immediate attention 5. a section of a hospital or health facility where patients stay 7. objects that people with injured legs or feet use to help them walk 8. a scheduled meeting with a medical professional 9. treatment aimed at improving a person's mental or physical condition 13. emergency vehicle that rushes people to a hospital 14. moving of an organ from one human to another 16. removal of human tissue in order to conduct certain medical tests 18. a medical procedure that involves going inside a person's body 19. causing death
1. the amount of red and white blood cells a person has 2. permanent removal of a limb 3. a doctor that is an expert in a certain kind of medicine 5. a chair on wheels used for transporting patients from place to place 6. a disease-causing organism 10. medical explanation of an illness or condition 11. wounds that develop on a patient's body from lying in one place for too long 12. pain or a physical change that occur because of an illness or disease 15. a condition that causes people to lose their memory 17. a hard bandage that is wrapped around a broken bone to keep it in place